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By Dick Maggiore and Mark Vandegrift

Tagged with: Brand Positioning

Obvious Adams Positioning Strategy

Solutions, when found, will be simple and obvious — but only in retrospect.

What is Brand Positioning

Remember this rule: A brand can stand for only one idea. Readers no doubt understand when someone warns, “Don’t put the cart in front of the horse.

HP Botched Brand Positioning

Ever since the second Republican debate, Trump has railed on rival Carly Fiorina, claiming "The Compaq computer deal," made when Fiorina was CEO of HP, "was one of the worst…

Comments on Chevy's Brand Positioning

It Sure is Deep in Here: Chevy is "retooling" and "reinvigorating" so that you'll be "resonating" Apparently, brand positioning and resulting sales no longer matter in the automotive business.

Expectations in Social Marketing ROI

In 2011 New Media Trends, I covered the trends we're seeing with Facebook and its climb to a billion members.

Review of Apple's Brand Strategy

In the 2008 book, Killer Differentiators: 13 Strategies to Grow Your Brand, authors Jacky Tai and Wilson Chew conclude that Apple's brand strategy of consolidating software and hardware has "crippled…

Xerox Corporate Brand Positioning

The lead sentence in a recent Wall Street Journal article reads, "Xerox Corp.

Impact of Colors in Branding

Or, does your brand positioning affect the colors you choose to represent it? The answer should be a resolute "yes" to both questions! Can you imagine drinking a bottle of…

Marketing Message for Positioning Online

A little history: when the world wide web first appeared on the scene, companies had no idea what to make of it. Positioning online was not a thing.

Marketing Positioning

For so many years, CEOs have focused on doing things better. For a long time, this approach worked. However, a problem has surfaced over recent years as we realize that this approach is simply not working anymore. Being better has become a basic requirement: it is what it takes just to stay in the game. Your prospects and customers have come to expect a higher level of quality and service, and, as a result, quality and service are no longer differentiators. Before you make your next marketing move. You should be asking, "what is positioning?"...

» Innis Maggiore

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